0800 038 5828
0800 038 5828

Cohabitation law experts
At Beckett Solicitors, we specialise in drafting cohabitation agreements to safeguard your financial and legal interests if you are living with a partner. From our offices in Rainham, Sittingbourne, Canterbury, Maidstone, Ashford, and Croydon, our experienced team is here to help. Whether you're looking to formalise your arrangements or protect yourself against future disputes, we provide tailored solutions for unmarried couples.

Understanding living together agreements
Did you know that the law treats cohabiting couples differently from those who are married? Contrary to popular belief, living together does not make you “common law” spouses. The law does not automatically recognise cohabitation rights, which is why formalising your arrangements with a living together agreement, also known as a cohabitation agreement, is essential.
If you are planning to cohabit, cohabiting and experiencing a relationship breakdown, or simply want to ensure your financial and property interests are protected, we can help. Our offices in Maidstone, Rainham, Canterbury, Sittingbourne, and Croydon are equipped with expert staff who understand the nuances of cohabitation law. Even if your relationship is thriving, it’s wise to consider an agreement to avoid future disputes.
Unmarried fathers, in particular, should be aware that their legal rights differ from those of married fathers. For example, an unmarried father must be named on a child’s birth certificate to enjoy parental responsibility, but this does not equate to the broader legal rights enjoyed in marriage.
Why do I need a living together agreement?
Property and financial disputes between cohabiting couples can be complex. Your financial position may not align with your contributions to your household, especially if you are not named on financial documents or title deeds. This can leave you vulnerable if you suffer a relationship breakdown.
Even if you’ve been out of work during the relationship, you may still have financial or property claims, particularly if dependent children are involved. For example, claims under the Married Women’s Property Act could be applicable if you were engaged but did not marry your partner.
Our team has over 30 years of experience assisting clients with cohabitation law, from drafting cohabitation agreements to advising on financial claims, property disputes, and ancillary relief following a relationship breakdown.

Beckett Solicitors offer clear, no-nonsense, expert advice on cohabiting agreements.
Freephone 0800 038 5828